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For Free

Consolidate Your Marketing, Operations and Sales in one app.

Experience Choreo Suite now. No install required.

What Is Choreo Suite?

It's a Business Management Software for Precision, Efficiency, and Success.

Running a business can be overwhelming, with countless tasks, technologies, systems and processes to build and manage.

But what if there was a software solution that could simplify and streamline your Marketing, Operations, and Sales?

Well There Is... With Choreo Suite,

We help businesses Choreograph their

Marketing, Operations & Sales, So they can get more customers get more time, & put more focus into the parts of business

they LOVE.

Check Out Choreo Suite To Experience The Number one Choreography Building Tool.

Choreograph First, Then Dance.

Your Business Deserves to be choreographed with a tool that

was meant for business...

All parts of business!

Not just one piece.

With so many software choices out there that do this, that, and the other, wouldn't it be nice to finally have a tool that brought it all together in one place?

From Your Landing Pages

To Your Funnels

To Your Websites

It's All Here Inside Choreo Suite And It's All Connected!


To building in house communities

We've Got It All Connected!

Need to take payments online?

From Taking Payments To Building Forms And Surveys...

Choreo Suite has got you covered!

From a fully loaded Calendar System

To a robust Customer Relations Management (CRM)

Where all your customer Contact, Messages and Data is in one place

for you to see and manage.

Choreo Suite will become your one stop online business home.

Check out everything

Choreo Suite can do to help you Choreograph the best Experience for your Clients, your Team and You!

 Build high-converting websites, funnels, and landing pages with our full-featured Page Builder

 Capture leads and grow your customer base with drag-and-drop surveys and forms

 Manage your schedule effortlessly with our online appointment scheduling tool

 Customize your follow-up campaigns to nurture your leads and convert them into customers

 Create multi-channel campaigns that engage your audience across multiple platforms and channels

 Offer free and paid courses with our full-featured course management system

 Invite unlimited users to access your courses and products

 Keep track of your sales pipeline with our built-in pipeline management tool

 Collect customer payments easily and securely with direct integration with Stripe

 Get valuable insights into your marketing and sales performance with our comprehensive analytics and reporting tools

And Much Much More...

Let's Talk Choreography

The CHOREO in Choreo Suite, stands for CHOREOGRAPHY.

Choreography isn't just for dancers, musicians, artists.

Choreography is for the Artist of LIFE that lives in your heart and soul.

The best and most impactful solutions to life's challenges

have one thing in common,

Those solutions were inspired from people in the world

that are risk takers!

People that are passionate!

People that know they can make a difference in the world

With the art in their heart!

That Art might show up in the form of

coaching, consulting, plumbing, law, accounting, charity

Or just outright being a SERIAL Entrepreneur with more ideas than you know what to do with.

But in all cases for that art to get from our heart & soul

Out into the world it has to be Choreographed into existence.

That's Where Choreo Suite Comes In...

Take this metaphor for example...

If you had 4 great dancers that could do anything you asked of them but they were all in different rooms. How hard would it be to get them to be on the same page with you even if you were doing the same Choreography?

That's what most business owners are doing. They've got a bunch of tech

but it's all operating separate

and independently

of each other.

The Right Tool For The Right Job

In Dance we have many core fundamentals and principles that are practiced and Mastered over years of training and rehearsal.

Likewise, in Business we have have the same fundamentals and principles that must be implemented, rehearsed and mastered over time.

In order to execute those fundamentals and principles we need at least Six Core elements and they need

to be Choreographed together seamlessly.

1. Landing Pages, Funnels, Websites

2. Scheduling & Calendar Functionality

3. Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)

4. Communications: Email, SMS, Webchat, Social Media

5. Courses, Memberships, Communities

6. Automations & A.I.

Core Element 1:

Websites Funnels Landing Pages

Build high-converting websites, funnels, and landing pages with our full-featured Page Builder:

With our powerful page builder, you can create stunning websites, funnels, and landing pages that capture your audience's attention and convert them into customers. 

Our drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to customize your pages with rich media, forms, and calls-to-action that drive engagement and sales.

Core Element 2:

Scheduling & Calendar Functionality

Manage your schedule effortlessly with our online appointment scheduling tool:

Our online appointment scheduling tool streamlines your scheduling process, so you can focus on what you do best. 

With our intuitive calendar interface, you can easily manage appointments, set availability, and automate reminders to reduce no-shows and improve customer satisfaction.

Core Element 3:

Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)

Manage your customers and all the data associated with them all in one place.

Choreo Suite's CRM helps you, your team and your clients always be in the know.  

With all your contacts, lists, transactions, notes, tasks and all other pertinent data in one central location you are going to save massive amounts of time and create better experiences for all parties involved.

Core Element 4:

Communications: Email, SMS,

Webchat, Social Media

Engage Your Audience

Create multi-channel campaigns that engage your audience across multiple platforms and channels:

Choreo Suite's communication tools let you reach your audience where they are,

whether that's email, social media, or SMS. 

So you can deliver the right message to the right audience on the right platform, maximizing your engagement and conversion rates. And it's all in one location inside Choreo Suite

Core Element 5:

Automations & A.I.

Customize your follow-up campaigns to nurture your leads

and convert them into customers: 

With our follow-up campaign management tools, you can engage with your leads in a personalized way, delivering targeted content that educates and builds trust. 

With advanced segmentation and automation features, you can create drip campaigns that deliver the right message at the right time to convert your leads into loyal customers.

Core Element 6:

Courses, Memberships, Communities

Offer free and paid courses and communities

with our full-featured system: 

With our course management system, you can create and deliver online courses that educate and inspire your audience. 

With a range of course formats and customization options, you can create engaging content that drives engagement and results. 

Plus, with our built-in payment and user management features, you can easily monetize your courses and scale your business.

Without your unique solutions being choreographed

into a show which

brings an exceptional experience to your audience...

Your unique solutions to the problems you solve

will go unnoticed and may go unrealized.


Check out some of the other great things Choreo Suite does too!

Grow Your

Customer Base

Capture leads and grow your customer base with drag-and-drop surveys and forms 

Built-in Pipeline Management

Keep track of your sales pipeline with our built-in pipeline management tool

Collect Customer Payments

Collect customer payments easily and securely with direct integration with Stripe, NMI, Auth Net, and more

Get Started Today

Start creating Choreographed experiences for

your Clients, your Team and YOU, with

the number one Business Choreography tool.

Choreo Suite

US Headquarters

1935 W

UT Lehi 84043

Contact US: 385-442-7188

Business Choreography LLC 2024 | Term & Conditions | Privacy | Cookies
